The Certificate of Incorporation was signed and filed with the Morris County Clerk's Office on October 25th, 1933.
A few days later, on October 29th, 1933, at a meeting at Lake Parsippany, to which all lot owners were invited and which was attended by about fifteen hundred people, an incorporated organization of lot owners was formed; the Officers and Directors for the first year chosen; and a general spirit of cooperation and good will fostered
The Mirror Holding Corp. turned over the property to the Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association. The governing body consisted of five officials and 12 directors. They supervised all Community activities, such as fire and police protection, water supply, sewage disposal, electricity, abatement of nuisances, and compliance with building regulations.
Officers and Directors of The Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association for 1934
Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association
P.O. Box 62
Parsippany, NJ 07054