Trout Stocking Event for 2025
Stocking is March 29th 2pm, at the boathouse. Come earlier and enjoy coffee, hot chocolate and snacks, courtesy of the Lake Parsippany Fishing Club
So come on down to the boathouse and get "caught" up in all the action. You will "catch" a glimpse of all the trout we are stocking.
The fishing club encourages our young anglers, AKA, “MVTS’s, most valuable trout stockers” to come and get "hooked" on stocking Lake Parsippany with trout.
This event is sure to "Lurer" a large crowd. So, get there early.
Remember, it’s not always about catching fish, it’s about the adventure of being outdoors and having fun with family and friends.
I hope your next cast is one you will never forget.
Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association
P.O. Box 62
Parsippany, NJ 07054