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Election Information

Information on elections will be posted as it becomes available or if we receive multiple questions on a specific topic.

  • September 27, 2022 9:04 AM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    Final Results for 2022 Election is available here.

  • September 11, 2022 9:45 PM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    2022 Election Results - these are preliminary and not final.

    We still need to double check everything, and they will be certified at the board meeting tomorrow.

    President - Pulkit Desai
    Financial Secretary - Tarak Bhatt
    District 1 - Manoj Patel
    District 2 - Jagdish Prajapati
    District 3 - Mousami Shah
    District 4 - Thomas Wall

    Details of the results available Here.

  • September 10, 2022 8:10 AM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    Below is the recording of the zoom meeting for the candidate's night:

    Passcode: MqwTLL1^

  • September 09, 2022 1:11 PM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    All Members,

    Please note for tonight’s candidate night Zoom meeting, Clubhouse is not available so the zoom meeting will be 100% virtual. Please do not come to Clubhouse to attend Candidate night meeting. 

    If you have any questions or concerns, please email them to:


    The Elections Committee

    Kamal Joshi

    Paul Cecala

    Hardik Gandhi

  • September 07, 2022 1:17 AM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    Hello members:

    In continuation of last election, we have chosen “Election Buddy” to conduct 2022 LPPOA election. Election Buddy is online election system that can be accessed affordably, using desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet to cast votes. All members in good standing will receive mail on the latest contact address as per LPPOA records which will consist of election buddy card enclosed within envelope.

    We request all members not to discard Election Buddy card which will consist of election codes and instruction on how to use Election Buddy to cast vote.

    Steps to cast your vote online are as follows:

    • 1)    On September 11th, 2022, between 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM kindly access Election Buddy website from laptop, smartphone or Tablet
    • 2)    Enter Access Key provided in mail and click enter
    • 3)    Website will provide list of candidates. Please select candidates whom you would like to vote.
    • 4)    Please note option to enter Write In candidates is also provided
    • 5)    Click on submit to cast your vote.  

    In the event if Election Buddy card is lost / misplaced then members can visit LPPOA club house on September 11th, 2022, between 9AM-3PM to cast vote. Please bring Government ID with name and property address for verification.

    Voting will be calculated by Election Buddy, and results will be published on LPPOA website within 48 hours of election.

    Please contact Election committee via email: for any questions.

    The Elections Committee

    Kamal Joshi, Chair

    Paul Cecala

    Hardik Gandhi

  • September 07, 2022 1:06 AM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    Hello LPPOA 2022 Election Candidates:

    Thank you for your willingness to give so generously of your time to our association.

    To aid the community in getting to know you, the Elections Committee has arranged for a “Meet the Candidates” event on Friday evening, Sept 9th from 7pm to 9pm via zoom. This will be your opportunity to offer some details about your candidacy and field questions from the community.

    This communique provides the details and process for how the meeting will be conducted.

    Please log in at 6:45pm so we can confirm your technology is functioning. We will open the room to the community promptly at 6:58pm. So be sure to be present no later than 6:50 to test your equipment.

    Each candidate will be given 3 minutes to introduce themselves and provide an “opening statement.” Following that, we will give each position 15 minutes for Q&A from the community.

    The membership will be asked to type their name, street address of the property they own, and questions into the chat and the moderator will present the question to the candidate(s). You are asked to keep your answers to less than 2 minutes so we can get multiple questions and have time for multiple candidates to respond.

    We will ask the members to keep to 1 question per candidate. We will also ask that they use the honor system to only ask questions of the 2 leadership positions and the district in which they live. The Elections Committee will attempt to police this but cannot guarantee out of district individuals will be allowed to ask a question of a candidate they cannot vote for.

    Paul Cecala will MC and moderate the meeting. Please note, we will be using the mute function if a candidate’s response exceeds the allotted time.

    Here is the agenda for the evening:

    6:45 – Moderator and Candidates enter call

    6:58 - The membership is allowed into the room

    7:00 – Paul opens the meeting with 5 minutes of welcoming and explanation of the proceedings.

    7:05 – Candidates begin opening statements in the following order (3 minutes per candidate):


              Financial Secretary

              District 1 (note – where there are multiple candidates for any position, you will be called upon in alphabetical order by last name)

              District 2

    District 3

    District 4

    7:32 – Questions for President

    7:47 – Questions for Financial Secretary

    8:02 – Questions for District 1

    8:17 – Questions for District 2

    8:32 – Questions for District 3

    8:47 – Questions for District 4

    9:02 – Paul will thank everyone and close the meeting

    *If there is enough interest and candidates are willing to go longer, we can keep the room open and moderated for an additional 30 minutes of Q&A with the goal of addressing questions that were not addressed in the earlier segments for each position.

    Some additional comments:

    • ·       We expect professionalism and decorum by all present at all times.
    • ·       At no time will the membership’s microphones be enabled (unmuted).
    • ·       ALL questions will be entered into the chat function of zoom and presented by the moderator to the candidates.
    • ·       This is NOT a debate. You are to address your answer to your actions or plans only. You will not be allowed to rebut or respond to other candidates’ answers.
    • ·       No one will be allowed to speak negatively of anyone else during the proceedings. First offense will be cause for you to be muted. Second offense will be cause for you to be removed from the meeting.
    • ·       Disruptive members or “zoom bombers” will be removed from the meeting.

    Finally, the Elections Committee is making accommodations for those who do not have a zoom enabled device. The limited number of members whom we know to not have the technology capable of zoom will be allowed into the Clubhouse to watch and listen to the proceedings. Like everyone else, they will need to write their questions on paper, give them to the Elections Committee Representative who will then type the questions into the chat for the moderator to address. There will be no microphone capabilities at the clubhouse only viewing capability.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please email them to:

    We will respond as quickly as possible and within in 48 hours.

    Again, thank you for your willingness to serve our community and to participate in this election. We wish you the best of luck.

    It will be solely a ZOOM event. Here is the link for the meeting.

    When: Sep 9, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Topic: LPPOA Election 2022 – Candidate’s Night

    Please click the link below to join the webinar:

    Passcode: ELE2022

    Or One tap mobile :

        US: +13092053325,,87030455729#,,,,*5041675#  or +13126266799,,87030455729#,,,,*5041675#

    Or Telephone:

        Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

            US: +1 309 205 3325  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 646 558 8656  or +1 646 931 3860  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 386 347 5053  or +1 564 217 2000  or +1 669 444 9171  or +1 669 900 9128  or +1 719 359 4580

    Webinar ID: 870 3045 5729

    Passcode: 5041675

        International numbers available:

    The Elections Committee

    Kamal Joshi, Chair

    Paul Cecala

    Hardik Gandhi

  • August 22, 2022 5:12 PM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

  • August 22, 2022 2:47 PM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    Election Information

    • First Sunday after Labor Day, September 11, 2022 (as per bylaws)
    • Voting: 9am – 3pm
    • Annual Zoom Meeting @ 12:00pm (required per bylaws)
    • Using third party election company: Election Buddy
    • All voting will be electronic

    All property owners will receive a mailing from Election Buddy with additional instructions.
    You will need to save the postcard that you get. There is one postcard/vote per membership

    • Only property owners in good standing are eligible to vote. You have 5 days before election to become a
    • member in good standing. A property owner in good standing is a member who has paid all their past
    • and current dues.
    • The Clubhouse will open for the property owner who do not have the use of a computer
    • from 9am to 3pm. Members need to bring the postcard from Election Buddy as well as a State ID.
    • Candidate night will be done via Zoom meeting on September 10, 2022, 7:00pm to 9:30pm
    • Election results within 1-3 hours after voting closes.
    • For any questions or concerns please reach out to
  • July 15, 2022 11:47 AM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    Members can reach out to the election committee at below Email Address:

  • July 08, 2022 12:53 AM | Deepa Tailor (Administrator)

    Below Call for nomination letter was sent to all members via post as well as email communication.

    2022 Elections - Call for Nomination.pdf

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Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association

P.O. Box 62

Parsippany, NJ 07054